Bob and Margaret is a British-Canadian adult animated television series that is also shown all over the world. The series was produced by Nelvana, a Toronto animation studio, and created by Canadian David Fine and British Alison Snowden. The series was based on the Academy Award winning short film Bob's Birthday, featuring the same main characters, which won the Best Animated Short Film Oscar in 1994.[1] The series is one of the few Canadian TV shows to ever have regular American exposure. In Canada, it was the highest rated Canadian made animated series ever when it aired in primetime on Global.
The show revolved around a married English couple named Bob and Margaret Fish, a middle class 40-ish working couple with no children and two dogs named William and Elizabeth. Bob is a dentist and Margaret is a chiropodist. Bob and Margaret struggle with everyday issues and mid life crises. Stories often revolve around the mundane, but in a way which is eminently relatable. From the trials of shopping to dealing with friends who annoy them, but owe them a dinner.
Please ask all questions prior to purchase.
All sets are fan-made sets, created from TV recordings or VHS transfers.
If you are looking for retail releases, these are not what you want.
Shows are NTSC, Region 0 (Means it can be played in any country)
Sets are shipped in sleeves only.
All shows have menus with episode selection.
Shows are in English only, no subtitles or closed captions.
These sets are offered collector to collector only.
- Complete 4 Seasons
- 6 DVD ISO files
- 52 Episodes
- Video & Sound Quality 9/10
- Interactive Menus
- Digital Download ONLY
- Region & Commercial Free
You will be given a link to download all the DVD ISO files you've ordered within 24 hrs.
Download all the ISO files to your computer and either burn them to DVD Discs using IMGburn or Nero or simply watch all the DVD ISO Files using VLC Media Player from your PC/Laptop.
Please make sure you have sufficient space on your computer to download all the files. Each DVD ISO file is approx 4GB.
Each ISO file contain a DVD menu with episode selections, just like a regular DVD disc.
If you have any issues downloading the files please let us know immediately & we will try to resolve any problems.