Delta State is a French-Canadian teen animated television series,[3] based on the comic book of the same name by Douglas Gayeton and Matt Rockman featuring four amnesiac roommates with the ability to enter an ethereal realm known as the Delta State. They face the dual tasks of piecing together their past lives and battling a group of Delta State denizens called Rifters, who seek to control the human mind. The main characters are Claire (Ilona Elkin), Martin (Dusan Dukic), Luna (Lizz Alexander), and Philip (Nicholas Wright).
The series debuted September 11, 2004 ,[1] the Canadian cartoon television network. It is the first animated television series to be entirely rotoscoped, taking over 2 ½ years to complete.
Four people each become aware that they possess superhuman abilities of the mind, and are charged by their friend and mentor Professor Brodie with saving the world from Rifter forces. Brodie trains them to battle Rifters in the Delta State, a reference to the brain wave pattern achieved during deep sleep. The main characters, Professor Brodie, and the Rifters are able to enter and exit this state of consciousness at will. As in dreams, rules of physics or logic do not necessarily apply; yet, as in lucid dreaming, a measure of control over the situation can be achieved while in this state.
- Complete 26 Episodes
- Video & Sound Quality = 9/10
- Interactive Menus
- 4 DVD ISO Files
- Region & Commercial Free
- Digital Download ONLY
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