Flint the Time Detective, known in Japan as Space-Time Detective Genshi-kun (時空探偵ゲンシクン, Jikū Tantei Genshi-kun), is a Japanese anime television series directed by Hiroshi Fukutomi. It was based on a manga by Hideki Sonoda and Akira Yamauchi and was published by Bros. Comics in Japan. A second manga running in Comic Bom Bom was also produced and was released as a special promo for the anime. The anime aired in Japan from 1998 to 1999 on TV Tokyo and ran for 39 episodes.
The series is centered around the adventures of Flint Hammerhead, a boy from prehistory who was resurrected from his fossil prison and became a Time Detective for the Time Police, although his competency as a detective is dubious. Much like Inspector Gadget, much of the heavy thinking is done by Flint's friends Sarah and Tony Goodman who accompany him on his adventures. Flint, however, pulled his weight in battle when he would fight with the aid of his father Rocky Hammerhead whose partial resurrection left him a sentient talking rock with a face. Rocky, fashioned into a stone axe for Flint, served Flint as both sturdy weapon and adviser, the latter both in and out of battle. Flint's job as a Time Detective was to go back in time and convince Time-Shifters, cute, collectible creatures to ally with him to protect the timeline.
- Complete 39 Episodes
- Video & Sound quality = 8/10
- Interactive Menus
- 4 DVD ISO Files
- Region & Commercial Free
- May Contain Network watermark on screen
- Digital Download ONLY
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