George Shrinks is a Canadian animated television series it is based on the children's book by William Joyce, produced in Japan by Jade Animation and in Canada by Nelvana, in association with PBS. It tells the story of a ten-year-old boy named George Shrinks who, for unexplained reasons, is only three inches tall. The show details his adventures with his friends and family and riding in his "Zooper car", and other gadgets for his size.
The series started on September 30, 2000 on PBS Kids as part of PBS Kids Bookworm Bunch. The Bookworm Bunch disbanded in 2004, but George Shrinks was given an individual PBS debut on January 6, 2003. The first season consisted of forty episodes, targeted at children five years old and under. The final show aired in mid-2004, though it is still in syndication.
The original book version had a younger boy who awakes one morning to find himself tiny. He has an encounter with a cat, flies a miniature plane, sails in an ocean-sized tub, eats gigantic food, and rides on top of his giant sized toddler brother before he abruptly grows back to normal size.
- Complete 40 Episodes
- 5 DVD ISO files
- Video & Sound Quality = 9/10
- Interactive Menus
- Digital Download ONLY
- Region & Commercial Free
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