In the cartoons that star Crazylegs Crane (voiced by Larry D. Mann), he always goes through various misadventures (often accompanied by his son Crazylegs Crane Jr. (voiced by Frank Welker)) and often deals with his frenemy, a fire-breathing dragonfly (voiced by Frank Welker impersonating Andy Kaufman).
- Complete 16 Episodes
- Video & Sound Quality is 9/10
- Interactive Menus
- Digital Download ONLY
- Region & Commericial Free
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Download all the ISO files to your computer and either burn them to DVD Discs using IMGburn or Nero or simply watch all the DVD ISO Files using VLC Media Player from your PC/Laptop.
Please make sure you have sufficient space on your computer to download all the files. Each DVD ISO file is approx 4GB.
Each ISO file contain a DVD menu with episode selections, just like a regular DVD disc.
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Crazylegs Crane:Episodes
1.Life With Feather
2.Crane Brained
3.King of the Swamp
4.Sonic Broom
5.Winter Blunderland
6.Storky and Hatch
7.Fly by Knight
8.Sneaker Snack
9.Barnacle Bird
10.Animal Crackups
11.Jet Feathers
12.Nest Quest
13.Bug Off
14.Beach Bummer
15.Flower Power
16.Trail of the Lonesome Mine