In the series, Lassie the collie dog lives near Thunder Mountain with the Turner family. Ranger Ben Turner works with wife Laura and children Susan, Jackie, and Ben Jr. as The Forest Force, a ranger-rescue team that protects Thunder Mountain National Park. Lassie is the leader of The Rescue Rangers, a group of wild animals living in the park, working alongside the Turners to help protect the environment and keep it safe for visitors.
The Rescue Rangers were eight animals including Groucho the owl, Toothless the mountain lion, Musty the skunk, and Robbie the raccoon. Also helping the Forest Force was Gene Fox, a Native American, who was Ben Jr.'s, Jackie's and Susan's friend.
- Complete 16 Episodes
- 2 DVD ISO files
- Video & Sound Quality = 9/10
- Interactive Menus
- Region & Commercial Free
- Digital Download ONLY
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Please make sure you have sufficient space on your computer to download all the files. Each DVD ISO file is approx 4GB.
Each ISO file contain a DVD menu with episode selections, just like a regular DVD disc.
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Episode List:
0 "Lassie and the Spirit of Thunder Mountain"
1 "The Animals Are Missing"
2 "Mystic Monster"
3 "Lassie's Special Assignment"
4 "The Imposters"
5 "Deadly Cargo"
6 "Grizzly"
7 "Deepsea Disaster"
8 "Black Out"
9 "Arctic Adventure"
10 "The Sunken Galleon"
11 "Goldmine"
12 "Rodeo"
13 "Hullabaloo in Hollywood"
14 "Tidal Wave"
15 "Lost"