Garbage Pail Kids is a Canadian cartoon series which was produced in 1987, based on the popular Garbage Pail Kids trading cards, produced and directed by Bob Hathcock and co-written and developed by Flint Dille. Due to controversial themes, it never aired in the United States. However, it did air in most countries in Europe[
The series stars the characters Split Kit, Elliot Mess, Terri Cloth, Patty Putty, and Clogged Duane as gross looking kids with abilities to help others. In the first two episodes, they have normal alter-egos, which transform into their "Garbage Pail" identities; later episodes show them exclusively in their Garbage Pail looks (it is never explained how their Garbage Pail personae became permanent).
The show also features parodies of Hollywood famous movies like the Indiana Jones series, Superman, Conan the Barbarian, King Kong, and The Fly. It also has segments between stories, such as "Garbage Pail Groaners" (jokes) and "Would We Lie To You?" (facts).
- Complete 13 Episodes
- 2 DVD ISO files
- Extremely Rare
- Video & Sound Quality is 9/10
- Interactive Menus
- Digital Download ONLY
- Region & Commercial Free
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Each ISO file contain a DVD menu with episode selections, just like a regular DVD disc.
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