Batfink is an animated television series, consisting of five-minute shorts, that first aired in April 1966.[1] The 100-episode series was quickly created by Hal Seeger, starting in 1966, to send up the popular Batman and The Green Hornet television series which had premiered the same year
Batfink (Frank Buxton) is a superpowered anthropomorphic grey bat in a yellow costume with a big red "B" on the chest and red gauntlets and boots. He uses his super-sonic sonar radar and metallic black wings to fight crime. In the last episode of the series ("Batfink: This Is Your Life"), it is revealed that he obtained his powers when he was born in an abandoned plutonium mine and that he lost his natural wings as a child while saving his mother's life, after escaped convicts blew up their mountain-top cave. This incident is what motivated him to become a crime-fighter.
Batfink lives in a split-level cave, and has a direct video link to the Chief's office
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