Dragon Tales is an American-Canadian animated children's television series. The story focuses on the adventures of two siblings, Max and Emmy and their dragon friends Cassie, Ord, Zak, Wheezie, and Quetzal.
Complete Season 1-3/ 94 episodes of Dragon Tales with menu's/episode selection and play all functions on 10 DVD ISO files
- Digital Download ONLY
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Download all the ISO files to your computer and either burn them to DVD Discs using IMGburn or Nero or simply watch all the DVD ISO Files using VLC Media Player from your PC/Laptop.
Please make sure you have sufficient space on your computer to download all the files. Each DVD ISO file is approx 4GB.
Each ISO file contain a DVD menu with episode selections, just like a regular DVD disc.
If you have any issues downloading the files please let us know immediately & we will try to resolve any problems.
Disk 1
1:To Fly With Dragons/The Forest of Darkness
2:To Kingdom Come/Goodbye Little Caterpoozle
3:Knot a Problem/Ord's Unhappy Birthday
4:Tails You Lose/Calling Dr.Zak
5:Pigment of Your Imagination/Zak's Song
6:Snow Dragons/The Fury Is Out On This One
7:The Giant of Nod/The Big Sleep Over
8:A Picture's Worth a Thousand Words/The Talent Pool
9:Emmy's Dream House/Dragon Sails
10:Eggs Over Easy/A Liking to Biking
Disk 2
11:Sky Pirates / Four Little Pigs
12:Zak and the Beanstalk / A Feat on Her Feet
13:Not Separated at Birth / A Kite For Quetzal
14:Dragon Drop / Cassie Loves a Parade
15:A Cool School / Max's Comic Adventure
16:It Happened One Nightmare / Staying Within the Lines
17:Follow the Dots / A Smashing Success
18:Quibbling Siblings / Wheezie's Hairball
19:A Tall Tale / Stormy Weather
20:Blowin' In the Wind / No Hitter
Disk 3
21:Do Not Pass Gnome/Treasure Hunt
22:The Jumping Bean Express/Get Offa My Cloud
23:Backwards to Forwards/Sounds Like Trouble
24:The Greatest Show in Dragon Land/Prepare According to Instructions
25:Wheezie's Last Laugh/Frog Prints
26:Crash Landings/The Big Cake Mix-Up
27:Quetzal's Magic Pop-Up Book/My Way or Snow Way
28:Sand Castle Hassle/A True Blue Friend
29:Zak Takes a Dive/Under the Weather
30:My Emmy or Bust/Light My Firebreath
Disk 4
31:Follow the Leader/Max and the Magic Carpet
32:Rope Trick/Baby Troubles
33:Small Time/Roller Coaster Dragon
34:Up, Up and Away/Wild Time
35:Bad Share Day/Whole Lotta Maracas Goin' On
36:Ord Sees the Light/The Ugly Dragling
37:Out With the Garbage/Lights, Camera, Dragon
38:Bully For You/The Great White Cloud Whale
39:To Do or Not To Do/Much Ado About Nodlings
40:Don't Bug Me/Over and Over
Disk 5
1:Lucky Stone / The Mefirst Wizard
2:Cassie Catches Up / Very Berry
3:Finders Keepers / Remember the Pillow Fort
4:Big Funky Cloud / Copy Cat
5:One Big Wish / Breaking Up Is Hard to Do
6:A New Friend / Have No Fear
7:Cassie, the Green-Eyed Dragon / Something's Missing
8:A Crown For Princess Kidoodle / Three's a Crowd
9:Knuck Knuck, Who's Where? / Just Desserts
10:Dragonberry Drought / A Snowman For All Seasons
Disk 6
11:I Believe In Me/Bye,Bye Baby Birdie
12:Back to the Storybook/Dragon Scouts
13:The Serpent's Trail/Head Over Heels
14:Sticky Situations/Green Thumbs
15:Teasing is Not Pleasing/Team Work
16:On Thin Ice/The Shape of Things to Come
17:Hide and Can't Seek/The Art of Patience
18:So Long Solo/Hands Together
19:Sneezy Does It/Try It You'll Like It
20:Just For Laughs/Give Zak a Hand
Disk 7
21:Make No Mistake/The Balancing Act
22:Room For Change/The Sorrow and the Party
23:The Grudge Won't Budge/Putting The Fun In Fun Houses
24:Puzzlewood/Let's Dance
Disk 8
1:To Fly With a New Friend Part 1&2
2:Rise and Bloom/Super Snow Day
3:Musical Scales/Hand in Hand
4:Sky Soccer/Making it Fun
5:Itching for a Cure/The Big Race
6:Flip Flop/Just for Laughs
7:Lucky Stone/Max Loves a Train
8:A New Friend/El Dia del Maestro
9:Finn's Blankie/Let's Dance
10:Express Yourself/A Snowman for All Seasons
Disk 9
11:Prince For a Day/So Long Solo
12:The Balancing Act/A Small Victory
13:Feliz Cumpleaños,Enrique/On Thin Ice
14:Teasing is Not Pleasing/Down the Drain
15:All That Glitters/Dragonberry Drought
16:A Crown For Princess Kidoodle/Play It and Say It
17:Moving On/Head Over Heels
18:All Together Now/Team Work
19:Making it Fun/The Sorrow and the Party
20:Itching for a Cure/Cassie Catches Up
Disk 10
21:Sad Little Star/Try It You'll Like It
22:The Big Race/Bye, Bye Baby Birdie
23:Sky Soccer/Room For Change
24:Rise and Bloom/Dragon Scouts
25:Green Thumbs/Hand in Hand
26:Cassie,the Green-Eyed Dragon/Hello,Ms.Tipps
27:Super Snowy Day/Make No Mistake
28:Just the Two of Us/Cowboy Max
29:Finders Keepers/A Storybook Ending
30:Musical Scales/Something's Missing