The Adventures of Dudley the Dragon is a children's television series which aired in Canada on YTV and the United States on public television stations, through Tampa, Florida PBS member station WEDU. The show ran for five seasons from 1993 to 1997. It was a live-action show incorporating actors, full body costume characters (notably the titular dragon) and puppets. The story follows Dudley, a dragon who recently woke up from centuries of hibernation and his new ten-year-old siblings Matt and Sally. The two kids would guide Dudley around the modern world and the trio would learn about environmentalism, friendship and pro-social values.
Besides Matt and Sally, Dudley was later joined by other kids, Terry, Julia, Mickey and Laura. Other recurring characters included a laid back frog named Sammy, the Robins, a grouchy apple tree named Mr. Crabby Tree and a lovable caveman.
Graham Greene won a Gemini Award in 1994 for his role,[1] and was nominated in 1998 for the episode The Tiny Little Raincloud.[2] Jackie Burroughs was also nominated in 1994 for the same award, for her performance in the episode High Flying Dragon.[3]
- 65 Episodes
- 7 DVD ISO files
- English Language
- Interactive Menus
- Digital Download ONLY
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