T. and T. is a Canadian television series, in production from 1987 to 1990. The series premiered in first-run syndication in January 1988, later moving to new episodes on the Family Channel in 1990. It was a starring vehicle for Mr. T, after the cancellation of The A-Team in 1987. The show was co-produced by Canadian animation firm Nelvana (in one of their few live-action productions), alongside Hal Roach Studios and successor Qintex Entertainment.
The series’ theme song was performed by Merry Clayton.
The opening voice-over set-up the premise:
T.S. Turner was a city-smart kid fighting his way off the street, until he was framed for a crime he didn’t commit. Amy Taler was a young crusading lawyer. She mounted an appeal to put Turner back on the street, this time in a suit and tie, working as a private detective. Together they are—T. and T.
- Complete 65 Episodes
- 3 Seasons
- Video & Sound Quality = 8/10
- Digital Download ONLY
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