A young girl named Maggie creates her own map of an imaginary world known as "Nowhere Land" that, in reality, takes the characters nowhere. She imagines that characters Beast and Hamilton Hocks are her friends.
- Maggie (voiced by Kristen Bone) is a five-year-old girl and the human protagonist of the show. She is Hamilton's and the Beast's best friend. They both look up to Maggie very much and always turn to her for advice. Maggie is the leader of the group and is always there to be the compassionate voice of reason to her dear friends.
- The Ferocious Beast (voiced by Stephen Ouimette) does not appear very scary or ferocious, however, he can shout louder than anybody. He is yellow, with big red removable spots, and three horns on his head. His favorite catchphrase is "Great googly moogly!", which he says several times per episode. In "Hide And Go Beast", it is shown that he is allergic to pollen. He is just a big softie, despite his bold appearance. Beast loves pumpkins, which is convenient since there is an impressive pumpkin patch in Nowhere Land. As a matter of fact, Beast loves pretty much any kind of food, including Hamilton's cooking and is almost always hungry. He even loves baths. Maggie and Hamilton are his best friends. He wears multi-colored Galoshes which he pronounces as "Goo-lashes". Hamilton always corrects him about the pronunciation, but he does not believe him.
- Hamilton Hocks (voiced by Michael Caruana) is a pig who can be bossy and quite fussy, but he has a warm heart. He lives inside a portable cardboard box which he loves, is the best cook in Nowhere Land, and is a total clean freak. Hamilton's most prized possessions are his beautiful "H" sweater and his cardboard box. Maggie and the Beast are his best friends.
- Complete 39 Episodes
- 5 DVD ISO files
- Video & Sound Quality = 9/10
- Interactive Menus
- Region & Commercial Free
- Digital Download ONLY
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