This children animated series follow seven little monsters, whom are apparently not little but big ones, in their adventures on learning about life. And each monsters' name is an number, 1-7. One, the eldest of all of them, as well as the most athletic and yet to be the tattletale of the siblings. Two, the most helpful out of the monster with a long nose. Three, the most dramatic of the seven, and usually seen taking on a different persona in each episode. Four, the middle child who is the epitome of rambunctious angst in his family. Five, the childish sibling who does weird things with his tongue. He usually seen with Four. Six, who is the resident ballerina, and believes she's the most beautiful monster. And the youngest, Seven, who can unscrew his head. Despite his frightful appearance as well as be the youngest, he is the tallest amongst his siblings and is the most gentle as well.
- Complete 40 Episodes
- 5 DVD ISO files
- Video & Sound Quality = 9/10
- Interactive Menus
- Region & Commercial Free
- Digital Download ONLY
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Download all the ISO files to your computer and either burn them to DVD Discs using IMGburn or Nero or simply watch all the DVD ISO Files using VLC Media Player from your PC/Laptop.
Please make sure you have sufficient space on your computer to download all the files. Each DVD ISO file is approx 4GB.
Each ISO file contain a DVD menu with episode selections, just like a regular DVD disc.
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